Friday, November 16, 2012


I know my family and some of my friends are reading my blog, because they mention it in their occasional emails to me, but I rarely get any comments on my entries.  There have been 1167 page views so far for 35 entries, which means, I think, that 33.3 or so people are out there in cyberspace peeping in on my adventures.  

If you've ever been away from home for a few months, you know how much you can miss people.  Well, I'm missing family and my friends. I'm starting to feel a bit disconnected.  So I have a favor to ask.  If you can figure out how to do it, please leave an occasional comment, so I know you're there and thinking of me once in a while, like I'm thinking of you.  

If you can't figure out how to leave a comment (and I know it can be confusing, because my niece has a blog and I had to get instructions from her on how to leave a comment), send me an email, and I'll do my best to instruct you on the steps.  

Mille grazie.

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